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Pdagogie de la lecture en langue trangre. Dfis rducatifs

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Pdagogie de la lecture en langue trangre. Dfis rducatifs

Pdagogie de la lecture en langue trangre. Dfis rducatifs

Cena: 39.50zł

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Poltax D. Kowalski, A. Piontek Spółka cywilna

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Opis: Pdagogie de la lecture en langue trangre. Dfis rducatifs
Sklep: Poltax D. Kowalski, A. Piontek Spółka cywilna

Praca poświęcona dydaktyce czytania w języku obcym - zawiera kompleksowe opracowanie tematu, umiejętnie łączące teorię z praktyką. Celem głównym jest wypracowanie teoretycznego modelu dydaktyki czytania w języku obcym i jego aplikacji w praktyce. Należy podkreślić wysoki poziom merytoryczny, metodologiczny i językowy opracowania.

The pedagogy of reading in a foreign language. Challenges of reeducation

In foreign language pedagogy, the skill of reading is perceived as one of the four language skills, namely that of the comprehension of the written text. In currently proposed pedagogical approaches, the functions of reading which rely on strengthening as well as compensating some language weaknesses (observed also in first language acquisition) remain unrecognized. The goal of this monograph is to propose the didactic approach that would take into account the possibility of using the skill of reading for the development of a general language learning competence. Recognizing the learning functions of reading implemented within the framework of the reeducation process is embedded in the perspective of a learner's cognitive development. The suggested pedagogy of reading is geared towards perfecting the ability to understand written language, with the simultaneous use of texts in developing the communicative competence of a learner. The work analyzes problems connected with the organization of the ways of reading (the strategy of understanding), as well as with the specificity of the written language (features of the text). The work also discusses the specificity of the difficulties in acquiring language which can be dealt with by work with the written text. The proposed pedagogical solutions are oriented towards compensating particular language deficits; however, their application can be wider, that is, they can also be used by different types of learners (for example eye-oriented learners).

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