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Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th edition with Oxford 300

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Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th edition with Oxford 300

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th edition with Oxford 300

Nowe, ósme wydanie! - Nowa sekcja Oxford Writing Tutor - nauka pisania tekstów po angielsku ...

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Poltax D. Kowalski, A. Piontek Spółka cywilna

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Opis: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th edition with Oxford 300
Sklep: Poltax D. Kowalski, A. Piontek Spółka cywilna

Nowe, ósme wydanie! - Nowa sekcja Oxford Writing Tutor - nauka pisania tekstów po angielsku - 32 strony- Nowa sekcja Visual Vocabulary Builder - 64 strony pełne ilustracji z podziałem na tematy.- Oznaczone wyrazy należące do słownictwa akademickiego,- 1000 nowych wyrazów i znaczeń,- 3000 haseł kluczowych- Łącznie 184 500 wyrazów, zwrotów i znaczeń: dużo więcej niż w innych słownikach tego typu!Na towarzyszącym słownikowi CD-ROMie:200 000 (DWIEŚCIE TYSIĘCY!!!) dodatkowych przykładów.CO NOWEGO W NOWYM WYDANIU?
- 2000 nowych wyrazów i znaczeń: offshoring, life coach, sex up …
- Ponad 500 wyrazów z takich odmian angielskiego jak australijski, nowozelandzki, kanadyjski, południowo-afrykański
- Oxford 3000: inteligentna lista najbardziej przydatnych słów języka angielskiego.
- Rysunki i zdjęcia pomagają zrozumieć i zapamiętać znaczenie ponad 2000 wyrazów.
- 32 kolorowe strony ilustrujące grupy tematyczne wyrazów, np. extreme sports, music, itd.
- 2600 haseł kulturowych (Walter Mitty, Fort Knox, Peter Pan)
COMPASS CD-ROM zawiera między innymi:- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary w wersji elektronicznej + wymowa
- Etymologię wyrazów z OALD
- Dodatkowe przykłady użycia wyrazów (więcej niż w wersji książkowej)
- Słownik tematyczny: OXFORD WORDFINDER
- Słownik kulturowy: Oxford Guide to British and American Culture
- Setki ćwiczeń leksykalno-gramatycznych
- KNOW-HOW: tu można sprawdzić związki wyrazowe i gramatykę każdego zdaniaDescriptionThis is the world's bestselling advanced learner's dictionary, recommended by learners of English and their teachers, and used by 30 million people.NEW 32-page Oxford 3000 Vocabulary Trainer, only available with the Paperback and CD-ROM edition.Key features184,500 British and American words, phrases, and meanings, plus 85,000 examples showing how words are used.
20,000 word origins explained on the COMPASS CD-ROM
Over 200,000 extra example sentences on the COMPASS CD-ROM.
2,000 new words and meanings from British and American English, such as offshoring, life coach, sex up, wi-fi.
5,000 study words used in the sciences, maths, computing, literature, and business.
700 entries for words from Australia, Canada, East Africa, India, New Zealand, South Africa, and West Africa.
Oxford 3000™: identifies the 3,000 keywords students need to know.
Special entries for words on the Oxford 3000 list, with extra information on synonyms and collocations, and extra examples to extend vocabulary.
7,000 synonyms and opposites shown.
200 special synonym notes covering 1,200 synonyms.
Illustrations and photographs explain 2000+ words.
Labelled illustrations show related vocabulary.
32 colour pages illustrate groups of words such as extreme sports, music, etc.
Colour maps - much appreciated by teachers and students.
2,600 encyclopedic entries to explain references such as Walter Mitty, Fort Knox, Marie Celeste, Peter Pan, Beacon Hill.
Over 10,000 entries on every aspect of British and American culture on the COMPASS CD-ROM.
NEW Oxford 3000 Vocabulary Trainer shows students how to exploit the keyword entries and provides practical activities that help build vocabulary and prepare for exams such as CAE and TOEIcContents
Inside front cover
Abbreviations, symbols and labels used in the dictionary
Key to verb patterns
Key to dictionary entries
Numbers and symbolsMapsThe earth and the solar system
The world
The British Isles
Canada, the United States of America and the Caribbean
Australia and New Zealand
Colour topic pagesCars
Musical instruments
Fruit and vegetables
The animal kingdom
Extreme sports
Oxford 3000 Vocabulary Trainer (only available with the Paperback and CD-ROM edition)Looking at a keyword
Keywords in definitions
Talking about language
Word formation
Recording vocabulary
Choosing the right word
Phrasal Verbs
Choosing the right collocation
Correcting errors
Vague language and polite formulae
Test yourself on the Oxford 3000
Topic: Work
Topic: Entertainment
Topic: Science
Topic: People and Emotions
Answer key
Reference sectionGrammarIrregular verbs
Regular verbs
Using tenses
The passive
Modal verbs
Reported speech
Verb patterns
Phrasal verbs
Relative clauses
Study pagesEssay writing
Writing a CV or rsum
Writing formal letters
Writing informal letters
Writing emails, faxes and memos
Electronic messaging
Other referenceThe language of literary criticism
Prefixes and suffixes
Sayings and proverbs
Common first names
Geographical names
British and American English
English across the world
English as a lingua franca
Notes on usage
The Oxford 3000
Specialist lists
Pronunciation and phonetic symbols in the dictionarySystem requirements
Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP; 350 MHz, 128 MB RAM
Macintosh OS 10.2 or higher; 500 MHz, 128 MB RAM
Redhat Linux 9 or higher: 350 MHz, 128 MB RAM
Minimum installation of the software requires 110 MB available on hard disk
Macintosh users must perform a complete installation of the software requiring 550 MB available on hard disk.

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