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European Phrase Book/Europa rozmówki wyd. Dorling Kindersley

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European Phrase Book/Europa rozmówki wyd. Dorling Kindersley

European Phrase Book/Europa rozmówki wyd. Dorling Kindersley

    This Dorling Kindersley phrase book has been complied by experts to meet the general needs ...

Cena: 30.50zł

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BESTMAP Wojciech Mozio

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Opis: European Phrase Book/Europa rozmówki wyd. Dorling Kindersley
Sklep: BESTMAP Wojciech Mozio

    This Dorling Kindersley phrase book has been complied by experts to meet the general needs of both tourists and business travellers visiting the 14 main European countries. Covering topics such as Hotels, Driving and so forth, this is an ample selection of useful words and phrases in Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
Organised by subject: everyday phrases, transport, shopping, hotels and more.
Menu guide defines hundreds of ingredients and dishes.
Unique system of imitated pronunciation ensures that you are always understood.    

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