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Czech Proverbs

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Czech Proverbs

Czech Proverbs

Cena: 55.00zł

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Poltax D. Kowalski, A. Piontek Spółka cywilna

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Opis: Czech Proverbs
Sklep: Poltax D. Kowalski, A. Piontek Spółka cywilna

Four qualities are said to be necessary for a saying to be called a proverb: brevity, sense, salt, and popularity. The Greek philosopher Aristotle listed three of these in his discussion of proverbs, defining them as remnants which, on account of their shortness and correctness, have been saved out of the wrecks and ruins of ancient philosophy. A modern definition is a short, pithy saying in common use.

However you want to define it, the short wise sayings of the Czech people are unlike the proverbs of any other culture. There is a sharp, biting wit in nearly every adage, but it is a humor that does more than entertain the listener. The wit, like the barb of an arrow, makes the proverb stick in the mind.

These proverbs do not play a part in a persons formal education, but they nonetheless are still used by parents and teachers to impress upon the minds of their children the principles of morality and clean living. Their authority is acknowledged in the fact that these proverbs have been in existence for hundreds of years and probably will be around for hundreds more.

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