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Iceland / Islandia przewodnik Bradt

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Iceland / Islandia przewodnik Bradt

Iceland / Islandia przewodnik Bradt

Iceland / Islandia przewodnik Bradt Author: Andrew Evans 1st Edition • DECEMBER 2007 384 PAGES • 16 PAGES ...

Cena: 76.41zł

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BESTMAP Wojciech Mozio

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Opis: Iceland / Islandia przewodnik Bradt
Sklep: BESTMAP Wojciech Mozio

Iceland / Islandia przewodnik Bradt Author: Andrew Evans 1st Edition • DECEMBER 2007 384 PAGES • 16 PAGES OF COLOUR PHOTOS • 30 MAPS ISBN: 978 1 84162 215 6
Exotic, yet conveniently close, Iceland attracts an increasing number of visitors from the UK and the rest of Europe. With its colossal glaciers, vast lava flows and thundering waterfalls, the country\'s primordial landscape awards visitors with unforgettable vistas and incredible trekking beneath the glowing northern lights. Whether you\'re an outdoor enthusiast, an independent traveller on a budget, or a comfort-seeking tourist, author Andrew Evans shows you how to do it – \'Icelander\' style – at this trendy, eco-friendly destination.
• Winner of the 2008 Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Silver Award for Best Guidebook • Offers greater coverage of the island\'s natural history than any other guide on the market, with a fresh take on Iceland\'s unique culture. • Essential information on outdoor activities such as glacier exploration, mountain biking and trekking, with quality maps provided. • A fresh look at the alluring capital Reykjavik, as well as the country\'s isolated island communities.
Table of Contents PART ONE GENERAL INFORMATION           Chapter 1 Background Information           
Geography, Climate, Population, Administration, Government, Politics, International relations, Economy 
Chapter 2 The Icelanders             
History, Culture, People, Language, Beliefs
Chapter 3 Natural History             Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Flora, Fauna

Chapter 4 Preparations             
When to visit, Public holidays, Highlights and itineraries, Tour operators, Red tape, Customs, Embassies and consulates, Getting to Iceland, Health, Safety, Travelling with children, Money and budgeting, What to take, Maps
Chapter 5 Travelling in Iceland                  
Velkomin!, Getting around, Accommodation, Eating and drinking, Media and communications, Shopping, Activities
PART TWO THE GUIDE        Chapter 6 Reykjavík                 Chapter 7 Reykjanes           Chapter 8 Suðurland (South Iceland)             Chapter 9 Vesturland (West Iceland)       Chapter 10 Vestfirðir (The West Fjords) Chapter 11 Norðurland Vestra (The Northwest)        Chapter 12 Norðurland Eystra (The Northeast)        Chapter 13 Austurland (East Iceland) Chapter 14 Hálendið (The Highlands)
Appendix 1 Language              Appendix 2 Further Information            Index  

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