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For Maxine Williams, being married to Blake was an amazing adventure. Brilliant, charismatic, and wholly ...

Cena: 14.90zł

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Sklep: NetkaBook

For Maxine Williams, being married to Blake was an amazing adventure. Brilliant, charismatic, and wholly unpredictable, as an entrepreneur he had made millions and grabbed headlines. His only shortcoming was as a husband, and now they have worked out an odd but amicable divorce, and share three children they both adore. Blake gets to keep his globe-trotting lifestyle - dating a succession of beautiful, famous and very young women - while Maxine raises their kids in Manhattan and pursues her passion, working as a child psychiatrist. Then, everything changes...Maxine finds a new love just as a tragedy transforms Blake from carefree playboy to compassionate, responsible grown-up. He wants Maxine in his life again - as a partner in a humanitarian project that could affect countless lives. But Maxine is on the cusp of a new life and almost certain that Blake, a.k.a. the Rogue, is a man capable of doing anything - except change...Or is he?

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